Welcome to Kaeo Kerikeri Union Church
Our vision is to be a “Community Space with a Spiritual Heart” – as a community of faith and through our buildings.
- A place with people you can feel at home with
- a spiritual space for all comers to find their oasis of peace and well-being

Cornerstone – Whare Karakia 0 Manako
144 Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri
(corner of Kerikeri Road and Heritage Bypass)

Wesleydale Memorial Church and Hall
27 Leigh Street, Kaeo
As church, we gather for worship, fellowship, spiritual nurture and faith education for all ages. We keep the ahi kaa burning – the spiritual fire that is at the heart of our physical buildings and of our purpose as a church.
Christ-centred and community-facing, our focus is on practical Christianity. We follow the Way of Jesus, learning what that means from the Bible and from life. As disciples of Christ we work to transform ourselves and society, to heal and to give life’s blessings to others as much as we are able.
We know that when we welcome the stranger we welcome Christ.
Find your weekly inspiration
Be part of our community
Kaeo-Kerikeri Union Parish serves two local communities – the Kaeo/Whangaroa area and the Kerikeri/Waimate North/Waipapa/Purerua area – and two church denominations – Methodist and Presbyterian. As a Union Parish we operate under the Procedures for Cooperative Ventures.
To find out more about us please click here.