This is our mission with a focus on the well-being of the community and all of its people.

We seek to provide opportunities for people to improve their chances for good livelihood and a healthy life as individuals and as whanau.

Involvement in these projects, as leaders, helpers, or participants, is open to all.   Examples of projects so far are :

  • Cooking Classes – Cooking Healthy Food on a Tight Budget
  • Being Well – An Integral Journey Towards Healing, for people living with chronic conditions.
  • Driver Licence Courses – This happens every year in September please scroll down this page for more information.

If you have ideas for further projects, or an interest in any of these projects being repeated, get in touch email

Projects involve both volunteers and paid expertise as appropriate.  Costs for participants are kept to a minimum with the Kaeo-Kerikeri Union Parish providing funding as required.

Why?  You could say simply that it is because we are following in the steps of Jesus.

Drivers License Courses

Run Every August (applications open in July)

Monday 28 August to Wednesday 30 August 2023

Is the lack of a Driver’s Licence a problem for you?

  • Is it a barrier to getting a job?
  • Does it stop you taking your children places they need to go to?
  • Does it stop you from visiting whanau and friends?

Driver Licence Courses are being offered by the Kaeo-Kerikeri Union Parish including Learners, Restricted, and Full Licences.

The tutor is Tata Morgan, a qualified instructor, who works with Te Runanga o Whaingaroa.

Participants will be selected from applications received, the selection process focussing on the difference it will make to the person’s life and livelihood to get the licence and their commitment to seeing the course through to completion.

All courses will be based at Cornerstone – Whare Karakia o Manako, 144 Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri. Find us on Google Maps.

Learner’s License

A 3 day course which involves:

Day 1 – 9am to 2.30pm
Day 2 – 9am to 2.30pm
Day 3 (if needed) 9am – 2pm
Please note that snacks will be provided each day.

The cost for the Learner’s Licence course is $20.

The tutor will prepare the students and take them to sit the theory test and pass it to receive their Learner’s Licence.   Those assessed by the tutor ready to pass the test will have their application and test fees paid by the Union Church.

Click on the application form below to request a place in the course. Note that participants will be chosen on the basis of benefit to livelihood and whanau in gaining a licence.

Restricted Licence/Full Licence

A one to one and a half hour classroom session.

Tata Morgan will work through the requirements for passing the practical test for the level of licence you require.   He’ll help you identify the bad habits to avoid in driving.   Following the classroom time he will arrange an in-car session with each person and assess whether you are ready to sit the practical test, or need to do more road time getting rid of bad habits.

When advised by the tutor ready to sit the test, students can apply to the Union Church for assistance with the application fee. Click here for details of the fees charged by NZ Transport Agency.

Complete the application form below to request a place in the course.  Note that participants will be chosen on the basis of benefit to livelihood and whanau in gaining a licence.

Sign Up for a Drivers licence course

Fill in the details below to be considered for support in gaining your driver’s licence. Please bear in mind that the resources need to go to those most in need.

Please indicate which type of licence you are interested in.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 21