Monday Bible Study

The Monday Bible Study group meets at Cornerstone to discuss and get an understanding of the Bible readings for the coming Sunday.

Following the Revised Common Lectionary, we share thoughts and feelings in response to the texts, learn a bit about their background, and listen for new insights that arise from our discussion, guided by the spirit we experience together.

Kerikeri Home Group

Kerikeri Home Group meets on the first Friday of the month, usually at someone’s house. The evening begins around 6/6.30pm with a shared meal, then time for songs, chat on a theme or study, and prayer.

New members always welcome. For more information please contact Michelle on 021 0829 4598.

Friday Friends
Kaeo Ladies Group

Friday Friends – Kaeo Ladies Group meets on the fourth Friday of the month at 11am at the Wesleydale Church Hall.

Please contact Lorelei on 09 405 0282 for more information.

Car Boot Sale

Every Second and Fourth Saturdays of the month, from 7.00am to around noon.  We have decided that there will be no Car Boot Sales during June, July and August 2025, as these are not well attended by sellers or buyers and thought this is a great time to stay home and stay warm.

On site at Cornerstone – Whare Karakia o Manako   $5 per “car boot” *(or space on site).

For more information please phone 09 407 8250 (leave a message on option 5 and we will get back to you)

This is an “all weather” event,  if it is wet, sellers are invited to bring their goods into the Hall.

Sellers enjoy the community feel and they are always looking for buyers.

Good hospitality all round!